
Absurdo Os vizinhos do Iraque reuniram-se na Arábia Saudita. Um relato no Times of Oman:
“This requires the withdrawal of foreign forces in order to enable the Iraqi people to choose their government in full freedom. Moreover, the United Nations must play an essential role” in Iraq, he said. Maher said the countries represented at the meeting — host Saudi Arabia, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Turkey and Syria, all neighbours of Iraq, in addition to Egypt and current Arab League chair Bahrain — hoped US and British forces would pull out of Iraq “as soon as possible”. He said none of the participants at the meeting could live with a military government in Iraq and the Iraqi people should already have been engaged in picking their own government.

“We call on the occupying authority, which we hope will withdraw from Iraq as soon as possible, to quickly put in place an interim government with a view to putting in place a constitutional government,” Prince Saud said.

“Iraq’s territory and wealth belong to Iraqis,” he said, adding that the United Nations must play a key role in the country.

Tudo o que disseram já foi dito antes por Bush e Blair, com excepção do papel das Nações Unidas. Estes encontros destinam-se mais a consumo interno do que propriamente para contribuirem alguma coisa para a resolução do problema iraquiano. Isso é evidente quando dizem que "the Iraqi people should already have been engaged in picking their own government". Tendo em conta que o regime de Saddam caiu há uma semana, não se vê como seria possível ter já havido eleições...

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